Monday, June 15, 2009

Thanks to donations AccessYes is providing more places to fish & hunt in Wyoming

CHEYENNE- For more than 10 years Wyoming hunters and fishing enthusiasts have been able to access more hunting and fishing waters and woods thanks to AccessYes, a program by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

Shortly after the walk in access program was established, the AccessYes program was started to help provide the dollars needed for the walk in program and compensate land owners for providing access. Game and Fish state access coordinator Matt Buhler said that in 2008, hunters and fisherman donated $131,375 to the AccessYes program. Above and beyond that an additional $45,261 was gifted by conservation organizations and sportsmen. "Most of the donations are made at the time of license purchase," according to Buhler.

Wyoming sportsman are encouraged to remember the AccessYes program and consider giving a gift. These gifts help Montana Fish and Game enhance the access Wyoming Sportsman now have and can provide more places to hunt and fish.

Learn More About Hunting In Wyoming

For more information on hunting and fishing in Wyoming please visit: . To view the complete article from the Wyoming Fish and Game please visit:
