Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Pheasant Hunting in the Heartland

Most hunters don’t think of Illinois as a place to go pheasant hunting but the truth is Illinois was one of the early states that pheasants were first introduced into North America. Pheasants were successfully liberated into Illinois, eight years before South Dakota first released their first pair of pheasants. Illinois pheasant hunting can be as enjoyable as anywhere in the country.

Harpole’s Heartland Lodge is located only 80 miles from the location that pheasants were first introduced into Illinois in Pike County, IL. Pike County is famous for its giant whitetails, great upland hunting, abundance of turkeys and waterfowl. Located in-between the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers makes this area ideal for wildlife.

Pheasant hunts at Heartland Lodge are in CRP fields that were converted from fescue into native prairie grasses providing idea cover all year. Milo food plots are strategically placed throughout all the fields to also provide an ample food source for pheasants. Heartland manages approximately 5,000 total acres.

The style of hunting pheasants is different from states that primarily use flushing dogs. Pointers are used to pheasant hunt the CRP fields and fence rows. Once the pheasants are flushed the pointers also retrieve the birds. Heartland mostly uses German Shorthair pointers but also has English pointers, English Setters and some Britney Spaniels.

Heartland Lodge is an Orvis endorsed wing-shooting lodge that not only provides excellent pheasant hunting, but great meals and accommodations as well. There are two main lodges that consist of twenty rooms along with two spacious recreations rooms that have pool and card tables along with big screen televisions with comfy leather couches to enjoy. All meals at Heartland Lodge are made from scratch just like your grandma made when you were a kid.

The best feature about hunting pheasants in the heartland is carrying on the strong hunting tradition that was started by Heartland Lodge’s owner many years ago. It’s those same traditions that are being created by all the hunters and guests that stay at the lodge. New memories are made with friends and family every day at the lodge.

Enjoy some great quail and pheasant hunting in the mid-west. This pheasant hunting lodge is gaining national attention as one of the premier hunting lodges in the country.

Terry Abney