Thursday, March 04, 2010

Public Hunting in South Dakota

Public Hunting in South Dakota

With around 4.5 million of acres of public land in South Dakota, public hunting is a popular option for hunters. South Dakota is a unique hunting state with its large variety of game, some of which include: pheasant, partridge, quail, coyote, mountain lion, fox, dove, deer, geese, and wild turkey. Both big game and small game hunting are popular in South Dakota.

Public hunting in South Dakota has several benefits including easy access to hunting areas, and fewer costs. Private hunting has the benefit of access to some of the best hunting grounds in South Dakota. Although public hunting is less expensive, there may be a preference to hunt in some private areas that have larger game populations. Many private preserves also offer food and lodging.

South Dakota is well known for its public pheasant hunting. South Dakota has some of the best pheasant hunting grounds in the nation, and it draws in thousands of hunters from around the world each year. There are a wide variety of private hunting lodges that offer unique hunting packages. There is also the popular option of public pheasant hunting as well.

Public Pheasant Hunting in South Dakota 

South Dakota has a rich pheasant hunting history. Hundreds of thousands hunters have tracked the diverse terrain of South Dakota in search for the elusive but plentiful wild pheasant. Wild pheasants make their home in the large wooded areas, crop fields, food plots, and weed patches of South Dakota. Although pheasants are found almost all throughout the state, the eastern side of South Dakota has a larger pheasant population than the rest of the state.

Although there are some excellent public pheasant hunting areas, there are several more private preserves. Since most of South Dakota is privately owned, it turns out that many of the best hunting areas are private. But public pheasant hunting has the benefit of lower costs which is appealing to many hunters.

Roadside hunting is popular form of public hunting in South Dakota because it is one of the few states that have legalized it. Pheasant hunters roadside hunt by staying in hotels and hunting along public roads. Hunters stop routinely along public roads and get out of their cars or trucks to search for pheasants along the roadside. Roadside hunting is better for smaller groups or for individual hunters because it generally requires a lot of transportation and moving around.

Along with public and private pheasant hunting, there is the also option of game farm hunting. Game farms are private hunting grounds in which pheasants have been released into the habitat for the purpose of hunting. The South Dakota pheasant hunting season starts in the fall from the middle of October to the beginning of January. The preserve season runs from September until the end of March.

A Top Destination for Pheasant Hunters 

South Dakota is consistently a top destination for pheasant hunters around the world. Pheasants occupy the terrain of South Dakota in large numbers, and the legality of roadside hunting is favorable to many hunters. With access to large pheasant populations and the availability of many public and private hunting options, South Dakota will likely remain the top pheasant hunting state in the nation for a long time.


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